Our Framers

The Art of Framing Difference
We believe it’s not enough to simply like art or be ‘arty’ to be a great picture framer. And it’s not enough to only understand colour balance, design ratio, conservation materials and techniques either. To be a great framer, you need to understand people. At the Art of Framing, we are warm and welcoming and communicate exceptionally well, meaning we can adapt our expert knowledge and decades of experience to each customers’ expectations.
We can translate your needs into beautifully framed artworks.
Our friendly framers are all trade qualified. But more than that, our team is approachable and adaptive, passionate, creative and respectful. We’re problem solvers who are highly experienced in a variety of conservation techniques and offer excellent design advice. We’re individually and collectively passionate about art: each of us has a background in fine art, architecture or graphic design. And some of our framers are even talented practicing artists.

The Art of Framing difference
We believe it’s not enough to simply like art or be ‘arty’ to be a great picture framer. And it’s not enough to only understand colour balance, design ratio, conservation materials and techniques either. To be a great framer, you need to understand people. At the Art of Framing, we are warm and welcoming and communicate exceptionally well, meaning we can adapt our expert knowledge and decades of experience to each customers’ expectations.
We can translate your needs into beautifully framed artworks.
Our friendly framers are all trade qualified. But more than that, our team is approachable and adaptive, passionate, creative and respectful. We’re problem solvers who are highly experienced in a variety of conservation techniques and offer excellent design advice. We’re individually and collectively passionate about art: each of us has a background in fine art, architecture or graphic design. And some of our framers are even talented practicing artists.
Our Team
The Art of Framing is a family business owned and operated by Julie Higham. Julie is a Trade Qualified picture framer with 33 years’ framing experience in Australia and overseas. Julie has won numerous awards for her framing skills. Until recently, Julie was the trainer of all Picture Framing Apprentices in Queensland. In addition to her framing skills, Julie also has a fine arts back ground having studied at USQ.
All our framers are trade qualified and we’re all self-confessed picture-framing nerds (we can bore you to death with details of framing history and conservation techniques if you’d only ask!).
Our framers Jess, Jason and Nell each have 20 years’ framing experience, and our newest member, Tony, has 2. Collectively, that’s 95 years of framing experience in the one shop!
Julie and our team are huge supporters of our Brisbane community, regularly donating our time, money and services to BBC Rugby, BBC Rowing, St Peters Rowing and the Ashgrove State School Mothers’ Day Fete. We are also a major sponsor of the Brookfield Show’s needlework competition.
Our corporate clients include:
- Kings College UQ
- International House UQ
- Emmanuel College UQ
- Cromwell College UQ
- The Women’s College UQ
- Hutchinson Builders
- Sandvik Mining
- Electoral Commission of Queensland
- Queensland Health
- RSL Care
- Paynter Dixon
- Wesley Mission
- Boeing Australia
- Government House Queensland
- Personalised Plates QLD
- Brisbane Boys College
- Stuartholme School
- Ashgrove State School
- Toowong State School

The Art of Framing is a family business owned and operated by Julie Higham. Julie is a Trade Qualified picture framer with 33 years’ framing experience in Australia and overseas. Julie has won numerous awards for her framing skills. Until recently, Julie was the trainer of all Picture Framing Apprentices in Queensland. In addition to her framing skills, Julie also has a fine arts back ground having studied at USQ.
All our framers are trade qualified and we’re all self-confessed picture-framing nerds (we can bore you to death with details of framing history and conservation techniques if you’d only ask!).
Our framers Jess, Jason and Nell each have 20 years’ framing experience, and our newest member, Tony, has 2. Collectively, that’s 95 years of framing experience in the one shop!
Julie and our team are huge supporters of our Brisbane community, regularly donating our time, money and services to BBC Rugby, BBC Rowing, St Peters Rowing and the Ashgrove State School Mothers’ Day Fete. We are also a major sponsor of the Brookfield Show’s needlework competition.
- Kings College UQ
- International House UQ
- Emmanuel College UQ
- Cromwell College UQ
- The Women’s College UQ
- Hutchinson Builders
- Sandvik Mining
- Electoral Commission of Queensland
- Queensland Health
- RSL Care
- Paynter Dixon
- Wesley Mission
- Boeing Australia
- Government House Queensland
- Personalised Plates QLD
- Brisbane Boys College
- Stuartholme School
- Ashgrove State School
- Toowong State School